A mobile app for following your favourite artists on Twitter. Built with React Native using Twitter and Spotify APIs.
A web app that allows for the creation of Spotify/Apple Music playlists from concerts, DJ sets, and other mixes from 1001tracklists.com, setlist.fm, and livetracklist.com.
A watchOS app for checking the prices of various cryptocurrencies.
A podcasting application made with the UBC Launch Pad iOS team.
A poll-focused social network for the web that allows users to participate in various public opinion polls. Built at Vancouver Startup Week Hackathon 2016.
A Google Chrome extension for instant link sharing which enables users to more easily share links while browsing the web. Built at nwHacks 2016.
A task exchange mobile (iOS and Android) platform.
Final project for CPSC 210 (Software Construction), completed using Java. Parses TfL (Transport for London) JSONs to find nearest station, arrival times, etc.
My personal website, which you're on right now! Originally built with HTML/JavaScript, now rebuilt with React.